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Kiev regional center of plastic surgery


Plastic surgeons high professionalism of of the Kiev regional surgery centre recognized in Europe.
Lead surgeon of the Plastic Surgery Centre Levitsky Roman became one of the leading plastic surgeon in the major plastic surgery clinics in Germany. It's Proaesthetic clinic in Heidelberg.

Price of Kiev Regional Plastic Surgery Clinic

Consultation 20$
Rejuvenation surgery. Correction of a nose, ears, lips Cost (U.S $ equivalent)
1 Hair transplantation 1 graft 1 кв. см 1000-2000
2 The bottom lifting of a neck and cheeks 1000
3 Average lifting (rise of fabrics of malar and infraorbital areas) 500-800
4 Lifting (elimination of wrinkles of a forehead and nose bridge) with correction of position of eyebrows 1000
5 Top blepharoplasty (elimination overhang upper eyelids) 300-500
6 Plastic eyelid a at persons mongolian races 300-500
7 Bottom blepharoplasty (removal of surpluses of a skin and “bags” under eyes) 300-500
8 Bottom blepharoplasty with removal lachrymal groove 300-500
9 Removal of the new growths of face fr. 30
10 Removal scarring on the face fr. 200
11 Elimination bulging auricles 400-600
12 Reconstruction of an auricle from 300
13 Reconstruction lobe of an ear from 200
14 Correction of an external nose 1000-1500
15 Restoration nose breathing 1000
16 Correction of the sizes and forms of lipsб 500
17 ncrease expand of cheeks (+ cost implants- 160 $) 300-500
18 Increase in the oblique chin (+ cost implants – 160$) 200-400
19 Increase cheekbones (+ cost implants – 160 $) 200-400
Breast Enlargement Breast Reduction and Breast Lift Cost (U.S $ equivalent)
1 Breast Lift 1000-1500
2 Breast Lift + Breast reduction 1000-2000
3 Breast Enlargement (without implants cost ) 1500
Tummy tuck Cost (U.S $ equivalent)
1 Liposuction (1 zone) 150
2 Elimination of deformation of abdominal wall after child birth 1000-1500
Lifts Cost (U.S $ equivalent)
1 Lift of buttocks 1000
2 Introduction implants in buttocks for increase in size (without cost implants) 600-800
3 Lift the skin of hips 300-500
4 Liposuction (1 zone) 150
Injection methods of rejuvenation Cost (U.S $ equivalent)
1 Botox injection 160-400
2 Gel injection 200-400
Kind of operation Cost (U.S $ equivalent)
1 Increase size of shins (without cost implants) 1000
2 Removal varicose veins (one leg) 500
3 Removal of vascular asterisks (one leg) 300
4 Treatment Hallux Valgus
(one leg) 300
(two legs) 500
5 Treatment ingrown nail (one finger) 100
Kind of operation Cost (U.S $ equivalent)
1 Removal scarring and new growths fr 100
2 Treatment raised sweating in the field of axillary hollows fr 100
Intimate surgery Cost (U.S $ equivalent)
1 Change of the sizes of a vagina 200-500
2 Restoration virginity 200-500
3 Increase in the sizes of a penis 200-2000
4 Circumcision 500
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